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Perubahan John Gabriel setelah beliau mengamalkan 7 Tips di bawah... |
Apakah 7 PERKARA yang John Gabriel ini lakukan sehingga beliau dapat menurunkan berat sebanyak 220 pound daripada 400 pound lebih (gambar asal)??
Saya kongsikan untuk anda 7 TIPS MENURUNKAN BERAT TANPA BERDIET/BERLAPAR yang dikongsikan beliau daripada laman ini:
1. I stopped dieting and started nourishing my body.
I learned through my research that my body was chronically starved for certain key nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids, live foods and high-quality proteins. I made sure I gave myself as much really high-quality nutrients as possible. If I wanted junk foods like candy, chips or pizza, I would eat them whenever I wanted, without hesitation. Eventually I lost my taste for all junk food as my body learned to prefer high-quality, nutrient-dense foods.
2. I healed my digestion.
I discovered that one of the reasons why I was so badly starving for nutrients is that my digestive processes were compromised, so I was unable to effectively extract the nutrients from the foods I was eating. Digestion problems can also cause inflammation and the inflammatory hormones put our bodies into fat storage mode. I started eating lots of fermented and cultured foods, and taking probiotics and digestive enzymes in order to normalize my digestion.
3. I got a CPAP machine for my sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea is a condition that affects many overweight people. It creates a hormonal environment in the body that encourages weight gain by causing elevated cortisol levels, which leads to junk food cravings and insulin resistance. Sleep apnea is easily treated with a CPAP machine. The machine blows air into your nose and mouth to keep your windpipe open, so you can sleep through the night without problems.
Most people who have sleep apnea don’t even know that they have it, although the people they live with would know, because people with sleep apnea snore very loudly. It turns out I had one of the worst cases of sleep apnea that my sleep study technicians had ever seen. From the moment I got the CPAP machine I started having more energy and less junk food cravings. And the weight started to melt away for good.
4. I started using mind-body practices to reduce stress.
Just like sleep apnea, stress causes elevated levels of cortisol and inflammatory hormones. These hormones lead to constant cravings and put your body into chronic fat storage mode. Many people don’t realize how important it is to learn how to reduce stress. I began meditating and visualizing every morning, which I found to be extremely effective for reducing stress.
5. I created a much more sustainable life.
I also lowered my expenses, moved to a more affordable house and started growing some of my own foods. My life felt much more sustainable and I felt calmer and more supported. I loved knowing that anytime I was hungry I could go into the back yard and eat something fresh and full of vitality. The stress hormones where no longer coursing through my system, wreaking havoc and turning my body into a fat storage machine.
6. I worked through some important emotional issues.
Some people feel safer with extra weight on their body. It’s as if the body actually uses weight as a buffer from the world. I was in that situation and I knew I had to address the emotional issues that were making my body feel unsafe. I started doing visualization practices that helped to resolve past traumas and to get my body to feel safer in letting go of the weight.
Over the years I’ve found that 65-70% of the clients I work with are using weight as a form of protection. I call this “emotional obesity”. When you work through the issues that are causing emotional obesity and break the association that fat equals safe, the body is much more willing to let go of the weight. After I broke this association and the weight no longer served its purpose - that is, the armor of fat no longer made me feel any safer - the weight all but went away.
7. I detoxified my body.
After I had lost about 180 pounds I started doing a lot of research about toxins and how the body processes and deals with toxic chemicals. It turns out the body uses fat cells to store excess toxins. I realized that the last 40 excess pounds that my body was holding onto was because it was a storehouse for accumulated toxins. I started living what I call a “detoxifying lifestyle”. Basically, I started flushing my body with lots of alkaline liquids, like water with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, green juices, super greens and lots of salads and sprouts. That did the trick, because I lost the last 40 pounds much more quickly than I lost the first 40 pounds, so the rate of my weight loss continued to accelerate to the very end.
Taking a mind body approach that nourishes the body and reduces the physical, mental and emotional stresses that cause weight gain is the most sensible and sustainable way to lose weight. I’ve now worked with tens of thousands of people in 60 countries teaching this approach and we’re getting amazing results.
People who have spent a lifetime of yo-yo dieting have now lost weight - 50, 100 and 200 pounds, without dieting by following this exact formula.
Thank you Gabriel!!
Tips turunkan berat badan ala2 Shaklee..
Daripada artikel di atas, saya dapati 2 daripada 7 perkara yang dilakukan Gabriel untuk menurunkan berat badan beliau ialah mengambil asid lemak Omega 3 sebagai pembakar lemak dan detoks dengan minuman atau makanan beralkali..
Sebagai contoh, titisan alkali kuat yang dimasukkan ke dalam air boleh membantu tubuh meneutralkan asid kumbahan yang mungkin telah dibina dalam sistem tubuh kita..caranya mencampur air minum dengan sedikit perahan lemon, cuka epal, atau seperti yang disarankan Rasulullah s.a.w iaitu mengamalkan cuka kurma..
Makanan atau minuman beralkali yang diambil juga membantu untuk detoks. Contoh makanan beralkali ialah sayur-sayuran seperti asparagus, brokoli, bayam mentah, timun, taugeh, bawang putih, limau, lemon, mangga, betik, stevia, kacang hijau, kacang soya, salad, kubis, tembikai, kurma dan buah tin, keledek, teh hijau, wheatgrass, epal, anggor, kismis, kiwi, karot, nenas, buah pir, oren, pisang, tomato, avocado, madu liar, kulit kentang, buah berangan, susu soya, susu ibu, susu kambing, keju dan teh halia.
Hmm..sebab itulah set slimming Shaklee juga mempunyai pembakar lemak yang lebih hebat selain Lecithin iaitu Omega Guard. Omega Guard dicadangkan kerana ia kaya dengan asid lemak Omega 3 dan Alfalfa complex pula, yang mengandungi klorofil yang bersifat alkali mampu untuk meneutralkan toksin dalam badan dan melalui proses detoksifikasi dengan lebih baik.
What a helpful tips!!
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